Please fill out the form to register for the following Progessive Course listed below
Please select a programDermaplaningAdvance Brazilian WaxBeginner Lash ExtensionLash Lift and TintBrow Lamination and Tint
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Drivers License #
State Issued In
Mailing Address
Home Phone #
Cell Phone #
Email Address
Phone #
Do you currently hold a Beauty Operators License?YesNo
Is your license active?YesNo
What Beauty School did you attend?
City, State
What area of Cosmetology do you hold your license in?CosmetologyEstheticsBarbering
Do you specialize in a particular area in the Esthetics field?
Are you familiar with the course you are interested in attending?
Do you have any health problems we should be aware of?YesNo
If yes, please explain:
Are you currently under a physician’s care? YesNo
Are you taking any prescription or over-the-counter medication we should be aware of? YesNo
Will you have any special needs or requirements while attending Makana Academy? YesNo
Do you have any allergies or medical conditions which may prevent you from receiving and/or giving hands-on treatments during the practical portion of this program?YesNo
Do you have any condition (i.e. physical, emotional or otherwise) that we should be aware of and/or may prevent you from full participation in your program at Makana Academy?YesNo
Prospective students should be aware that full participation in esthetic treatments, both giving and receiving, is a requirement for satisfactory progress and program completion at Makana Academy. Prospective students must understand that without a physician’s certification, failure to participate fully in clinical treatments and practical experience, will adversely affect your grades. This may even affect your ability to complete the program and graduate from Makana Academy. Any condition that may prevent full participation must be fully disclosed prior to your enrollment. Makana Academy must be given the opportunity to accommodate you during your program. Please attach a physician’s certification describing your condition and how it would affect your ability to fully participate.
How did you hear about Makana Academy? (Check all that apply)Print AdFriendOnlineCareer FairSocial MediaOther
What area of Esthetics are you most interested in?Make-upSkin careHair removalFacialsNot sure
A 25% deposit fee of the progressive course tuition must be paid 14 days prior to the class dates.
Cancellation Policy:
If for any reason you are not able to attend your selected course, please email no less than 5 days prior to scheduled class date.
Failure to cancel within required time frame will result in forfeiture of your course deposit.
How do you intend to pay for your education at Makana Academy? (Please check one) I will be paying for the program with my own financesI will be paying for the program with the finances of another individual* or a financial institutionOther
*If another individual (parent, guardian or other) will be financially responsible for your tuition, please provide the following information:
Name of Guarantor
Phone Number of Guarantor
Address of Guarantor
The following documents are required to be submitted, or the application will be considered incomplete. Prospective students may submit the completed application first and then submit the required documents separately. However, all documentation must be submitted no later than 14 calendar days prior to the start date of the selected program. Please bring your required documents with you at your tour appointment.
Documentation Requirement
Beauty Operators License
Physician’s Certification (if applicable, see Student Health Questionnaire)
PLUS, any two (2) of the following:
Drivers License
State Issued Photo ID
U.S. Passport
To the best of my knowledge, this application has been completed with true and accurate information. I understand that supplying false information on any portion of this application may result in the rejection of this application or may result in expulsion from Makana Academy if this information is found false at any time during my enrollment. Before submitting your application, please review it to ensure that each section has been completed accurately and in its entirety. If a question or section of this application does not apply to you, please mark it with N/A. Do not leave any sections blank. All requested documentation is required to be submitted during the enrollment process